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The Good Feeling Guide to Whales (and Sharks) in the Algarve

This year we’ve seen an amazing display of marine life along the coast of the west Algarve. In addition to regular sightings of turtles, sunfish and hundreds of dolphins - common, bottlenose, and striped - this year were also seen some Risso’s dolphins which are very rare! ...

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The Good Feeling Guide to Surfing in the West Algarve #1 Surf Spots

This summer the surf’s been very unusual – with lots of south swells in July, it’s been hot hot hot with non-stop waves!

Normally the west coast is the best place to surf in summer, but the weather gave us a surprise and it was one of the best! And it reminded us how changeable the conditions can be around here, which gave us the idea to write some tips for surfing in the area…

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We made more improvements at the hostel!

One of the things we like to do most at the Good Feeling is to find ways that we can make it an even better place to stay for our guests.
So we have ideas all the time, and when people who stay with us make suggestions we pay attention.

This year we’ve been making improvements outside, because that’s where everybody wants to be when the sun’s shining, which is pretty much always!

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The Good Feeling Learn to Surf Guide #1: Surf Lessons vs Teach Yourself

Learning to surf – is it better to learn as quickly as you can and have fun while you learn? Or is there something more satisfying about learning the hard way?

When we see people go solo and teach themselves to surf, we notice their progress is usually slower and they don’t seem to get as big a stoke as people who learn with an instructor. There’s also a greater risk of accidents and injuries.
Having spent some time thinking about that, we thought we’d share our thoughts with you. Let us know whether you agree! 

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10 benefits of feeling the sun on your skin!

What’s the average number of hours a day you’ve seen of the sun lately?
Struggling with the seemingly never-ending winter where you are?
How much better would you feel if you stopped dreaming of the summer (seems a long way away, right?) and spent a little time in the sunshine instead?

Here’s a little reminder of what the sun can do for your body and mind, and it’s shining here right now – so shrug off the winter blues and come join us! 

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Good Feeling, Good vibes and Good FOOD!

Carlos isn’t just the Good Feeling King of the Kitchen (and bar), he’s also a kind and generous man, happy to share his recipe with you for one of the many mouth-wateringly delicious dinners that he cooks for our guests!

Have you tried his Pasta with Chickpeas? (It’s so much better than it sounds!)

Are you tempted to cook it yourself? Let us know how it tastes when you do!

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Carlos’ Cooking is officially the BEST!!!!

We’d like to share with you some of his secrets, but first we need your help…
What was your favourite dinner when you stayed with us and experienced Carlos’ cooking for yourself?

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7 reasons staying in a Hostel (especially ours!) gives you a Good Feeling

1. The people you meet
The moment you enter a good hostel, you’ll feel like part of a happy little family.
Your travel experience will be enriched by meeting like-minded travellers from different countries and you’ll learn so much from the mixture of cultures and languages, shared stories, travel tips and recommendations.
Making these kinds of connections can lead to all sorts of opportunities; you could make lifelong friends, or even find love - it happens!


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Summertime in Raposeira!

The beautiful little village of Raposeira is hot hot hot! With all this wonderful sunshine, we’re super grateful for the gentle winds and the refreshing ocean!
But apart from our perfect climate, what else can you find here?

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Prepare the body, start the day with YOGA!

Yoga and surfing go together like sand and saltwater. Both disciplines tap into a natural flow. Yoga gets you in touch with the rhythm of your breath and body, while surfing gets you in sync with the wave patterns and ocean tides. In yoga, you learn not to force any pose, but to find the depth of the pose in the moment. In surfing, you learn that you can’t force a wave or a set. Instead, you practice being fully in the moment and in tune with the current so you can catch a wave.

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